Sunday, October 27, 2019 7:13:20 PM America/Los_Angeles
By xie liangshuai
1.Get To Know Your HairThere are three stages to your hair cycle: Anagen, catagen, and telogen.Anagen – When a new strand is formed in the follicle.Catagen – When the lower two-thirds of the hair is destroyed.Telogen – When the hair enters the resting phase waiting to be pushed out by the fresh strand growing in the follicle.The last phase 'telogen' is when the hair falls out. Around 10 to 15% of our hair is in its last phase. But due to various factors, sometimes a majority tends to jump to the telogen phase. This is when we face hair loss problems and hair thinning too.
2.Use Conditioner Every TimeYou Shampoo Conditioning is a key factor in maintaining good human hair. It locks the moisture in the shaft, prevents dryness, and provides protection from dirt and pollution and, to a certain extent, from the sun as well. It also helps replace the lipids and proteins inside the hair shaft and seals the cuticles to prevent further damage.Don't Overwash Your HairIf Because if you want your hair to grow, you need a healthy scalp, which means not stripping your skin of natural oils every time you hop in the shower. The easiest way to prevent this oil-free fate is by not washing your hair every single day, and you can always extend the length to time between showers by using a good dry shampoo.
3.Cut It More Often"The ends of long hair have been styled and colored so many times that they get dry and frizzy quickly,"says hairstylist Serge Normant. Ask your stylist to snip less than a half inch every other month (since your hair grows faster than that, you won't lose any real length). If you wait too much longer between cuts, split ends could resplit, which means you'll have to trim ore later on.
4.Prevent Breakage When SleepingA lot of damage can happen to your hair when you sleep,especially if you're prone to tossing and turningat night. Some people sleep on silk pillowcases to prevent breakage,but you canalso loosely braid your hair before going to sleepon your regular cotton pillow case.If you have long hair, you're going to spend a lot of time caring for it,so just be patient. If you're trying togrow out your hair, remember that on average hair on a human head grows at a rate of about half an inch every month, so even if you implement all of these tips immediately, your hair still needs time to grow. you do follow these tips and prevent damage to your hair bundles or human hair wigs, you'll be much more likely to end up with and keep, the length you want.